Connect with KB
Kristin Beltzer | Host
KB “connects” with prominent state, regional and local business, political, and education leaders about their stories and life experiences.
LIVE 9:15 - 9:30 AM
Kristin Beltzer has spent a lifetime connecting people and is bringing that talent and expertise to life in her daily podcast, “Connect with KB.” Passionate about business, education, leadership and networking, Kristin’s mission is to bring out the best in people, to highlight their accomplishments, work experiences, and to challenge them to recollect their greatest life and leadership lessons. Kristin has a knack for knowing how to get to the heart of the conversation. Her positive attitude anchors her to everyone she meets, and her listeners will undoubtedly feel that they are having a cup of coffee with an old friend. “Connect with KB” is entertaining, engaging and a unique platform for people to experience the journey of storytelling.
This SPOTLIGHT Podcast is featured as the 2nd segment on “Business Rap” every weekday at 9am on the SPOTLIGHT Radio Network. You can also watch production live on Facebook or listen on demand on your favorite podcast platforms including: Spreaker, iTunes, iHeartRadio, and Spotify.
Meet Kristin
With over 25 years in executive leadership and senior management, Kristin Beltzer is the President and Founder of KB Collaborative, a business consulting and public affairs firm in Greater Lansing. Prior to stepping into the entrepreneurial world, she served as the Director of Appointments in the Executive Office of Governor Rick Snyder, as well as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, where she was responsible for business development and providing management and policy direction to the organization. She also worked for former Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus and spent 17 years on the staff of the Michigan Legislature. Kristin chaired the Haslett Board of Education from 2003-2016 and currently is serving as gubernatorial appointee to the Michigan Education Trust Board of Directors (MET) and the Governor’s Talent Investment Board. She joined the board of the Arts Council of Greater Lansing in 2018.
She previously held positions on the Sparrow Foundation’s Women Working Wonders Committee (W3), the Michigan Health and Hospital Association Business Advisory Council (MHA), Junior Achievement and Ele’s Place, and received the Michigan Banker’s Literacy Award for promoting student literacy development.
Kristin has a B.A. from Michigan State University and M.P.A. from Western Michigan University.